All Officers

At Camp McCoy, Wisconsin in September 1942, photographs of the officers and each company were taken by Army Signal Corp photographers. These photos were framed and hung in the Honolulu clubhouse that was built in 1952 by the veterans who had formed Club 100 after the war.

The Hawaiian Provisional Infantry Battalion was formed in May 1942. After the battalion arrived in Oakland, California in June, it was designed the 100th Infantry Battalion (Separate). On page 63 of “Ambassadors in Arms: The Story of Hawaii’s 100th Battalion” by Thomas Murphy, it was noted that its commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Farrant Turner, was told the rifle companies could not be commanded by officers of Japanese ancestry. He proceeded to select Caucasian officers who had either been born in the Islands or had been living in Hawaii and were familiar with the local population. By the time the 100th left for Oran, Africa in September 1943, this directive was no longer in effect.

The captains he selected were Alex McKenzie, Phillip Peck, Clarence Johnson, Charles Brenaman, and Jack Johnson, commanders of Headquarters, A, B, C and D Companies. On pages 63 and 64, Murphy described the background of these four officers:

  • McKenzie was born in the islands, a graduate of the University of Hawaii and Southern California. He had joined the Hawaii National Guard in 1937 as an enlisted man and had risen in rank. His civilian job had been at the Stanford Oil Company of California in Honolulu.
  • Also joining the Guard in 1937, Peck was a graduate of the university in Hawaii and in California. He had worked at the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Company.
  • C. Johnson had arrived in Hawaii as a private in the Army, and after his enlistment ended in 1934, he went to work at the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. The next year, he joined the Guard and rose in rank.
  • Brenamen was a soldier in France during World War I and in 1929 had arrived in Hawaii as a sergeant in the Army. He became an instructor for the Guard and maintained his active status even after he left for a job in the private sector. When he reported for duty, he was forty-two years old.
  • J. Johnson was well known in the islands as a football star on the University of Hawaii’s football team. At the University, he was student commander of the ROTC and joined the Guard in 1939. Two years later, he was sent to officers school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

The captains of Japanese ancestry were Dr. Isaac Kawasaki (Surgeon), Dr. Katsumi Kometani (Morale Officer), Taro Suzuki (Supply Officer), and John Tanimura (Utilities). Major James Lovell was the Executive Officer.    

The five images below were scanned by volunteers at the Nisei Veterans Memorial Center in Kahului, Maui. The original photograph was a panoramic image of all the officers.

Commanding Officers

Rank Name Beginning Date of Command Reason for Leaving
Lieutenant Colonel Farrant L. Turner May 29, 1942 Relieved of command due to health issues.
Major James J. Gillespie October 29, 1943 Hospitalized because of illness. Later promoted to Lt. Colonel.
Captain Alex E. McKenzie December 1, 1943 Assumed temporary command.
Major William H. Blytt December 4, 1943
Major Jack Johnson, Jr. December 15, 1943 Killed in action on Jan. 25, 1944.
Major Casper Clough, Jr December 25, 1943 Relieved of command. Refused to commit B Co. to cross mud flats because he thought it was a suicidal mission. Wounded soon after.
Major George L. Dewey January 25, 1944 Wounded at Cassino.
Major Caspar Clough, Jr January 25, 1944 Resumed command.
Major James Lovell January 29, 1944 Returned from hospital, took command but was severely wounded on Feb. 8.
Major Caspar Clough, Jr. February 8, 1944 Resumed command.
Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Singles April 2, 1944 Took command until mid-January 1945 when he was promoted to full Colonel and transferred to 397th Infantry.
Major Alex E. McKenzie Mid January 1945 Assumed command after Singles is promoted.
Lieutenant Colonel Jack Conley March 12, 1945
Major Mitsuyoshi Fukuda July 7, 1945 Named Executive Officer of the 442nd Regiment on October 5, 1945 (Date provided by his soon David in July 2019)

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All Officers (ALL CAPS = Killed In Action)

Last Name First Name Rank Army Serial # Joined 100th after May 8, 1945
Akamatsu Kaoru 2nd Lt O-420502
Aki George Major (Chaplain) O-543334
Akins Thomas W Capt O-316554 x
Alexander Henry 2nd Lt O-1307491
Allison Leon B 2nd Lt O-1308582
Anastasio Angelo 2nd Lt O-1307633
Anderson Daniel J 2nd Lt O-493658
Androvette Edward E 1st Lt O-1311465 x
Arnold Charles E Capt O-1289674
Asai Sim Lincoln 1st Lt O-303651
Becker Jr William J 2nd Lt O-1301765
Blood Lee H 1st Lt O-6859046
Blytt William H Major O-280572
Bond George H 2nd Lt O-514507
Bonin Victor J Capt O-1289538
BOODRY JAMES 1st Lt O-1317876
Brenaman Charles A Capt O-280996
Carter George W 2nd Lt O-1299849
Castoldi Paul 2nd Lt O-1304023
Cenate Harold N 2nd Lt O-1304860
Chapman John G 1st Lt O-482523
Chasse Edward D 2nd Lt O-1304862
Chinen Jon Jitzuso 2nd Lt O-2046476
Chipman Herbert W 1st Lt O-1300451
Chipman, Jr Albert Byron 2nd Lt O-538397 X
Christopher John Capt O-1289121
Clicher Sol H 2nd Lt O-1306265 X
Clough, Jr Casper Major O-21979
Coles Sperry S 2nd Lt O-1305732
Collins William J 2nd Lt O-1062756 X
Conley Jack E Lt Col O-348126
CONNOR, JR CLOUDY G 1st Lt O-1295997
Corbin Paul E 1st Lt O-1289550
Coyne Charles A 1st Lt O-1289551
Dahl John J Capt O-1821418
DeLuca Anthony 1st Lt O-1322135
DeMaiolo Frank A Capt O-1291437
Dewey George L Major O-15188
Dionolo Thomas 2nd Lt O-1298007
Doss William B 2nd Lt O-1688326
Drebin Raymond 2nd Lt O-1300944
Drolet Raymond A 1st Lt O-423373
EATON KENNETH E 1st Lt O-1289709
EBATA TETSU 2nd Lt O-1702992
Ells Ernest E Major O-196250
ETHRIDGE HAROLD C 2nd Lt O-1300302
Felt Marion F 1st Lt O-1323116
Fitzhugh Lester N 1st Lt O-1285729
Fox Robert W 2nd Lt O-1327345 X
Fraser Andrew S Capt O-379864
Froning Paul E Capt O-1308210
FUJITANI ROSS K 2nd Lt O-1691718
Fukuda Mitsuyoshi Major O-372977
Fukushima Yasutaka H 1st Lt O-353465
Gillespie James J Major O-354218
Grandstaff George H Capt O-1307223
Guthrie Robert A 1st Lt O-1311584 X
Haines Robert L 2nd Lt O-496758
Hamasaki Richard N 2nd Lt O-1683429
Hamasaki Tadayoshi 2nd Lt O-2055888
Handley Victor G 2nd Lt O-1308211
Harada Wasato 2nd Lt O-1695654 X
Hart Richard W 2nd Lt O-1310102
Hill Joseph W Capt O-436574 X
Hino Kenji 2nd Lt O-2039581
Hirano Roy M 1st Lt O-425914
Hirano Dick N 2nd Lt O-1703003
Hirsch Milton A Capt O-1288743 X
Hisanaga Kazuma 1st Lt O-1703068
Hite Merle L Capt O-441455 X
Hodges Lavern L Capt O-1293951
Hopkins Henry S 1st Lt O-1289582
Hopkins James K 2nd Lt O-1300328
Ikeda Gregory H 1st Lt O-379036
Inomoto Satoru 2nd Lt O-1999529
Iwasa Walter M 2nd Lt O-2046479
Jakuszewski Alphonse J 2nd Lt O-1307822
Johnson Clarence A Capt O-369232
Johnston Walter F 1st Lt O-1289739
Jones Robert E 2nd Lt O-1304309
Kadowaki Robert N. 2nd Lt O-2046477
Kainuma Richard T Capt O-418692
Kajikawa Hideo WOJG W-2108279
Kampschroer Felix Colonel O-36216524
Kanazawa Kanemi 1st Lt O-372481
Kaneko Kenneth K 1st Lt O-1695618
Kanemura Fred S 1st Lt O-1695617
Katahara Sadami 1st Lt O-353468
Katano Etsuo 1st Lt O-1998640
Kawano Henry M Capt O-368800
Kawasaki Masayuki 1st Lt O-353469
Kawasaki Isaac A Capt O-420945
Key Lewis A 2nd Lt O-1291375
Kim Young Oak Capt O-1309572
King Oscar Major O-1289591
Kirsch Peter 1st Lt O-1311252 X
Kitagawa Kiyoshi 1st Lt O-336256
Ko John Yohan 1st Lt O-1295902
Kobashigawa Yeiki 2nd Lt O-1691717
Kodama Francis K 1st Lt O-1646751
Koga Masao 1st Lt O-306067
Kometani Katsumi Capt O-476008
Krivi Andrew H 2nd Lt O-1306522
Kudo Francis M 2nd Lt O-2055905
Kuramoto Kiyoshi K 1st Lt O-343581
Kutaka Masato W 2nd Lt O-2039553
Lakner Julius 2nd Lt O-1307712
Landress Sylva M 2nd Lt O-1307713 X
Lass Douglas 2nd Lt O-1309759
Lee George S H 2nd Lt O-1302323
Lovell James Major O-334033
Low James W 1st Lt O-1320363 X
Lowell Russell J 1st Lt O-511282
Lubitz Samuel 2nd Lt O-1061776
Luke Harold W Capt O-1289447 X
MAEHARA SABURO 1st Lt O-343584
Marques Harold L 1st Lt O-282550
Marzano Rocco G 1st Lt O-406109
Mastrella Angelo A 1st Lt O-490633
Matsunaga Masayuki 1st Lt O-415100
McGill William C 1st Lt O-1292381
McKelvy Robert J Capt O-1289608
McKenzie Alex E Major O-373957
McLaughlin John F 2nd Lt O-1301344
Meier Alvin Joseph 1st Lt O-1311674 X
Metcalf James L 1st Lt O-10595559 X
Mitchell Norman C 1st Lt O-1307283
Miyake Howard Y 2nd Lt O-2055907
Miyamoto Harry H 2nd Lt O-2055889
Miyasaki Herbert Yoshiki 2nd Lt O-1336100
Miyashiro Takeichi T 2nd Lt O-1703070
Mizuha Jack H Capt O-331006
Mizuta Richard K 1st Lt O-331007
Moran Edward V 2nd Lt O-1305813
Nakahara Mickey Y 2nd Lt O-1695664
Nishida Yoshiharu 2nd Lt O-2055906
Nishimura Harry M 1st Lt O-2039573
Nishimura Matsuhei H 2nd Lt O-294414
Novack David 1st Lt O-1298647
Ohata Allan M 1st Lt O-1691719
Okada Ichiro 2nd Lt O-410147
Osberg Franklin G Capt O-440643 X
OTAKE MASANAO 2nd Lt O-1703069
Peck Philip B Capt O-254285
Penter Kenneth L 2nd Lt O-1290997
Percey Samuel W 2nd Lt O-1300374
PERRAS FRANCIS J 2nd Lt O-1301535
PETERSON ROY T 2nd Lt O-1307456
Planas Alvin 1st Lt O-2039546
Plourde Thomas Capt O-1304942
Prentice John C 2nd Lt O-1289672
Pye William S Capt O-1312107
Raeder Kenneth S Capt O-1289799
RAY NEILL M 1st Lt O-1289802
Reitzell, Jr Frank V 1st Lt O-1296089
Riddle Donald N 2nd Lt O-1311687
Roll Edward W 2nd Lt O-6188380
Rothmeeler John A 2nd Lt O-1308221
Ryusaki Toratsugu 2nd Lt O-2039519
Sakamoto Samuel M 1st Lt O-349640
Sale Lindley R 1st Lt O-1312339
Santschi William H 1st Lt O-1688382
Scanlon Jerome A 2nd Lt O-1305998
SCHEMEL KURT E 2nd Lt O-1290619
Schoenberg Harry I Capt O-1305469
Schwartz Marvin 2nd Lt O-1307858
Secord James C 2nd Lt O-1688299 X
Shepherd George S 1st Lt O-1313652
Shimatsu Hisae 2nd Lt O-2055908
Singles Gordon Lt Col O-18522
Sodetani Toshimi 2nd Lt O-2039503
Suzuki Taro Capt O-242011
SWEITZER EDWARD H 2nd Lt O-1313179
Swenson Donnell D 2nd Lt O-1313041
Tahira Masami 2nd Lt O-2037601
Taira Robert S 1st Lt O-368801
TAKAGI BOON E 1st Lt O-1309484
Takahashi George Shiyogo Capt O-523044
Takahashi Sakae Capt O-409160
Takemoto Francis S 1st Lt O-2046481
Tanaka Ernest S 1st Lt O-409161
Tanaka Bert M 2nd Lt O-2039479
Tanimura John M Capt O-214630
Teraoka Kiyoshi Denis 1st Lt O-385079
Tsubaki Kiyoto 1st Lt O-275618
Tsubota Shigeru 1st Lt O-386483
Tsukayama Conrad C 2nd Lt O-1998655
Turner Farrant L Lt Col O-241826
Vaughn James C 2nd Lt O-1289655
Whalen James J 2nd Lt O-1300425
Williams John F 2nd Lt O-1292800
Willis Dillard L D Capt O-1289844
Wise Scott A 2nd Lt O-1289845
Wnek Russell J 2nd Lt O-1292104
Yamamoto Herbert W 1st Lt O-343588
Yanagawa Yoshio 2nd Lt O-2039571
Yoshimasu Masami 1st Lt O-379044
Yost Israel A S Capt (Chaplain) O-511005
Young William M 1st Lt O-1310361 X
Zupkas Michael 2nd Lt O-1688306 X

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