Fred Kagawa (Yasuo), 01-16-1943

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hendersin,
Hello folks! How are you folks getting
along in the sub normal weather. I’m
getting along fine. We arrived in Dixie
land, Camp Shelby, Mississippi a week
ago which took us approximately 50 hours
ride on the train. We left Camp McCoy
Thursday afternoon the same week we visited
you folks and arrived here Saturday after-
noon. Unfortunately I was KP on train on
Saturday so we had lots of works [sic] to do unload-
ing the kitchen equipment and cleaning
the duty mess hall.
Before I go further I wish to thank
you folks for the lovely time we had on the
New Year Day and on Sunday.
Out here the climate is very different

from that of Wisconsin, but very similar
to that of Hawaii. We have sunshine
every day and the skies are blue with few
speck[sic] of clouds. No snow out here but
I heard that it rains plenty hard. It [sic]
certainly warm out here. We don’t have to
wear the coat, overcoat, ear muff and scarf
like back in Wisconsin. I can hardly ima-
gine that we have entirely different
climate within 50 hours trainride from
Wisconsin. We have to adjust to this
strange environment all over again.
I don’t have much to say about this
place cause I haven’t been out to town
since we arrived here. Our battalion
is on quarantine because of the measles.
Thomas Higa came out from the
hospital the day we left Camp McCoy.
By the way Bert is in the hospital
with measles. On the train coming over
I slept with Bert so I do hope that
I won’t get the measles too.
We don’t have any theater around
our vicinity to amuse ourself [sic]. Last
night some of the boys went drinking

spree. They were feeling very high and were
singing the songs “Jingle, Jangle, Jingle”
and “A Dozen Roses” which were very
popular when we were in Wisconsin.
I kind of felt funny inside of me and
long to be back in Wisconsin when I
heard them sing.
Hoping to see you folks some days[sic].
Missed you folks very much. The days
we spend [sic] together will long live in
my memories.
Give my friendiest [sic] aloha to Betty,
Nancy, Joanne and Bobby.
Fred Kagawa